Sunday, June 8, 2008

I am alive and kicking!

OK, I am really, really bad at this weekly blog thing. I mean to, and I think about it during the week, and even think about what pictures and fun things have happened... and then Sunday comes and I run out of time and nothing gets done. So, here is my attempt to resurrect my oldy, moldy blog.

Lots of fun things have happened for me in the past several months! I have 3 new grandbabies, Tyler (Jan), Addie (April) & Daniel (April) and I have gotten to see them all. Tyler's blessing was last Sunday and he is such a darling little chunk. He fell asleep in my chest in Sacrament and we cuddled all through church. Becky got a break!

Lori is my secret IHop buddy now. We love IHop for lunch. Must run in the family because so does Jenno! It was so much fun hugging those tiny little babies and helping the new moms learn a few new things about how to keep them awake or to soothe them to sleep. Jenni and Kenny brought me Daniel late one night upstairs in my room as he was just too happy to be awake and play with them and poor Kenny had to get some sleep so he could teach school the next day. I spent the next hour cooing and playing with him and then he fell asleep on my chest while I sat on the couch, so from 1 am until 6 am, we slept cozily. Such memories.

Lori's little Addie looks so much like Lori did as a baby. Just like Katie looks so much like Becky did as a child. We decided that Daniel is a good mix between Jenni and Kenny. And Tyler, he looks like Kyle.

Kenny and Jenni helped make a Wii video junkie out of me! I now race with the best of them on MarioCart, except Kenny of course, he is darn good and can beat us all! Dad and I have a Wii and love it! We have had it for months now and were frustrated that the old Mario Cart was fun but hard to play with the controllers. So, Jenni and Kenny got me the new Mario CArt for Wii and we can drive with our steering wheels now! It is a real hoot, and we are good enough now to do time trials across the USA on the shared network and not always be in the bottom 1/3!

Dad got me the new WiiFit for my birthday and I LOVE it! Jenni and Kenny went at midnight when it came out while I was in Houston and got one so we had played it there and loved it. Once I got home, I wanted to get mine, but everywhere I went was out. I called and called and one night about 8:30 I called Game Crazy on a whim and voila, they had 3 magically. I had them hold one and I went over. I don't think he was expecting a 57 year old lady, Wii Fit age is 48 soooooo, I guess I am entitled. :)

Dad and I especially like the downhill jump and slalom, the aerobic step dance, the fun jogs thru the park, and the penguin slide. Oh, tightrope walking is great too. I finally nailed that one and made top score. The way it works is you log in everyday by standing ont he Wii Fit board which is about 14x24" and it takes your weight and BMI and tests your balance and a few other things. Then it challenges you to a few exercises and then you have 30 min to play all these really fun games. You work up a sweat and have a blast and laugh a lot. Dad and I are going to sell the old treadmill because we won't be using it anymore since we have this. WAY more fun!

We took it to some church friend's house last night, mean age 60-65 and we had so much fun laughing and teaching them. We played bowling and golf for an hour just laughing and laughing, and then when 2 couples left our friends Diana an Gerry were left. Diana had to run to the store late so while she was out, I set Dad and Gerry up playing Mario Cart against each other on their 72" plasma tv no less and it was the funniest thing to watch. These 2 (very similar ) 60+ men sitting there, tongues hanging out concentrating wtih their little steering wheels racing thru Coconut Mall!


kevandcan said...

GREAT blog entry! Sounds like a wonderful few weeks. Love you!


Jenn said...

We'll definitely need to set up some times to play over the wifi- we loved having you here and playing with you.

Lori said...

Way to resurrect the blog, good post.

Chris Kline said...

Sounds like we're gonna have to get one of those. These Wii's are expensive! :-)