Monday, June 16, 2008

A furry little visitor

Well we scared him to death, but I think we are equal! 3 days ago I was sitting at my computer in the kitchen and I saw a small dark rat like thing run from under the refrigerator to the oven. Oh my- not rats! I was worried, and Arnie had left us a dead mouse just that morning on the floor. But as I sat and worked I saw it again and realized it was something different, didn't look like a rat or a mouse... and then in about 2 hours on Sunday afternoon I saw that it was a very scared little chipmunk.

I tried to entice him out with food and he was good at it and snitched it before I could catch him, but I outsmarted him today! I left a little plastic box trapping cage and put a cracker with some peanut butter on it in the end and when I got home from work today... voila, there he was all sweaty from working to turn around and get out. But, he doesn't know how lucky he is that I caught him this way and Arnie didn't! I released him into the large forest of blackberries behind the house and he was off in a flash.


Jenn said...

Kenny will enjoy this... he loves squirrels and chipmunks. That little fella doesn't know how good he has it.

Jolayne said...

Yuk. We used a similar contraption once to catch mice in our house and then forgot about it. Wasn't a pretty picture once we found it again.

kevandcan said...

dinner! just a little ketchup and you're good to go

Lori said...

Well, at least it wasnt a rat.