Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I am so tired of moving!

Well, we painted the living room and the hearth and I love it much better than the icky color the realtor had us paint it to try to sell it! And we have the TV in the Living Room now so we are actually using the room rather than having it be a "walk thru room". We will put the condo up for lease by the end of the month. We only have Dad's tools to move now!
Your pictures are all back up on the wall and that makes us most happy!You wouldn't believe the difference in the storage room. We whitewashed the walls, and painted the floor a nice garage floor grey. All the junk is gone and the food storage and such is all neatly organized. I LOVE this room now!

Becky's room is the cleanest downstairs and is the new guest room with the blow up queen mattress and Grandma Ball's dresser.
Jenni's room will be my sewing and craft room.
Kevin's room is the kids toy room. I love this room. Lori's room will also be a guest room when we get all the books put away.
Come see us now!


Lori said...

Yay, nice work. Must be nice to be all moved in.

Chris Kline said...

But what will you ever do without 30yr old onion flakes to munch on?

Looks nice in that storage room. Hopefully I'll get a trip up there soon and can drop by.