Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Prairie Dogs and Police cars

Sitting in a silver van beside a country road in Firestone, CO looking at the cute prairie dogs when a police car pulls up behind me, lights flashing, and the officer warily gets out and approaches. Hmmm, I think, what could I possibly be doing? Is prairie dog watching illegal?? Soon 2 more police cars come up behind the first, lights going. Hmmm, weird.

So I roll down my window and ask what I can do for the officer. He looks inside and asks me about the 3 children in the car. Oh, them, they are our grandchildren and we were just looking and counting prairie dogs since we are from Portland OR area. Seems someone reported an older couple "taking" a child from the sidewalk outside the Rec Center in a silver van! Oops.

The real story... she fell down while riding her scooter so Gpa asked the other girl to have Gma bring the car around to pick her up since she landed on her knees. Someone thought we were abducting our grandchildren! Actually, once we figured out what was going on, we were pleased that the small town takes this so seriously and wanted to make sure that the children were OK. Our very slightly injured g-daughter was escorted singularly out of the van to answer some questions with the officers, we are sure HAPPY that she corroborated our story or we could have been in a world of hurt! Such an exciting afternoon for us all. Pales next to prairie dogs!


Chris Kline said...

If it would have been Amy, you would have risked a troublesome "never seen them before" answer!

Jenn said...

That's a crazy story, but I'm glad Kristen cleared your name:)