Sunday, August 23, 2009

Refinishing the Eagle Project sign

About 1992 Kevin received his Eagle Scout award. Part of it involved creating and mounting this sign on the cover for the park behind our church. Every summer for years, Dad and I have tried to remember to put another coat of clear sealant on it so it will last through the rains here in the NW. It was made of laminated plywood and over the years the weather has started delaminating some of the letter areas.
When we moved from our home for 2 years, no one kept the sign up, so we decided to go up to the park yesterday and do some upkeep on it. I had to scrap off the very dried outside layer of weathered plywood exterior, but it cleaned up nicely. The P and A letter sections fell off. But with a new coat of clear sealant, it should be good for a couple of years! Lots of memories in this park. When we were done, Dad and I flew his new kite!

1 comment:

kevandcan said...

You are awesome. Thanks for doing that, Mom!