Thanks to Dad for arranging to have Becky and her kidlets over, I had a nice birthday. At work, no one remembered and I was kind of bummed, and I was getting a headache and my fibromyalgia was beginning to act up.
When I arrived home, what a fun surprise to find out that Dad had invited Becky and the kids over to celebrate my birthday, he had bought pizza so I didn't have to cook, and Becky brought over a cake!
I love having some of my grandkids so close.
Didn't Becky do a nice job with the cake?
After dinner I broke out the new Dance, Dance Revolution Disney that I had bought with funds for work and it needed testing, so who better to test it out than the grandkids! Tyler watched for a while, then decided that combing Grandpa's hair was much more fun.
Thanks again Dad, Becky, Drew, Katie, Dylan and Tyler!