Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday Snow & the Grinch

What a wonderful sight this morning when we woke up to a dusting of snow. All day it has snowed lightly and it seems like fairy dust falling from the sky. I love snow to look at, not to drive around in, especially when it has ice in it as this does. I know, Christopher and Lori- you guys have REAL snow, but we are enjoying our 2 " now. And it is supposed to snow more on W and TH and perhaps this coming weekend. And, now don't laugh too hard, those of you in SNOW country, they actually cancelled church today! It was predicted to snow up to 4 " and have ice underneath it. So far, 1-2 " but it is such fun.

But lest you think it is too idyllic, the Christmas Grinch paid a visit too today. Yep, he struck at the toilet base. Ugh. Luckily I noticed that there was water around the base of the toilet in the upstairs hall bathroom before it managed to leak through to the ceiling of the bathroom below. And since we had just moved again and had the garage organized I knew right where to find that extra wax ring for the toilet repair. Right now, it is sitting on blocks of wood with a heater blowing on it to dry out the flooring and such under it as much as we can. Thank goodness we saw it!

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Chris Kline said...

6 inches and presently -6 Faranheit here. No school or church canceled. :-)

Jenn said...

Mom, your blog makes me too homesick. ;)
Glad you caught the toilet problem before it got too bad.